Blue Silo Studios

Pictures of this Place ///


Interior Aesthetic ///

Some of the spaces inside that often get looked over have so much character hidden in the dust of time past. still, those areas play a part in everyday activity. Maybe because there’s a sense of nostalgia for the things that lay around us and hold that memory of the work done here.


Exterior Grit ///

Just behind the building, less than 100 yards to the west, is an industrial building whose silos have given Blue Silo Studios its name. Those Silos have no connection to the studios other than they have been the beacon for this two-story art-studio building. The silos are no longer the rich sky blue they once were. Around 2018 they became grey with canary yellow trim. Still, they are the tallest structure you see coming up the hill with their stout stance atop the landscape. Very little else surrounds it. In fact, you can see the silos from almost any angle in any direction, letting you know you have arrived.


Changing Landscape ///

It’s changing fast around here especially with the new development that is underway as of 2020. This gallery highlights the many things happening around us on a daily basis.