
Jenny Wilson ///

Born ///
Wheat Ridge, CO

Blue Silo ///
Since 2007

Education ///
•BFA, Painting and Drawing, Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Lakewood, CO

Medium ///
Painting, Drawing, Pastel

Jenny Wilson  webready Sony A1_15.JPG

The connections within the Blue Silo family run deep. Jenny Wilson started out in another studio space here sharing a small area in Clark Richert’s studio, I believe the first to share with Clark. She also studied at RMCAD which is another connection a number of artists at Blue Silo share in common. About four years ago another studio down the hall became available and Jenny was able to grab the narrow space for her own art practice, leaving the shared space with Clark after almost eight years there. Her work is soft and ethereal in nature. She is consistent with her subject, pulling her painting from life, specifically landscapes that feel as if they appeared in a dream rather than one you might drive through on a road trip. Nevertheless, the landscapes that adorn her studio walls are inspired by countryside scapes that have not yet been sullied by old structures you might assume would land on these colorful horizons. The paintings reflect a spiritual muse that coincides with her many handwritten messages posted near the entrance as motivation and positive anchoring before you lead into the far end of the studio. Her windows and natural light coming from both West and South-facing windows. It might be coveted, But it is also rare in this building to have a corner studio. The light is strong and seems to paint shapes on Jenny’s walls that mimic the light that blends across the canvas in her landscapes. She is a mother, wife, college graduate, professional artist, and encourager of those who enter into her sphere.


Renewal Size: 24 x 48 in, acrylic on canvas,.jpg

Renewal ///

Medium: /// Acrylic on canvas

Collection: /// The Artist