
Jeff Richards ///

Born ///
San Jose, CA

Blue Silo ///
Since 2005

Education ///
•BA, San Francisco State University, San Fransisco, CA
•MFA, San Francisco Art Institute, San Fransisco, CA

Medium ///
Mixed Media, Painting, Sculpture, Silk thread, Wood


Jeff’s studio sits on the first floor nearest the front door to the Blue Silo's main entrance. Jeff usually comes to his studio early, sometimes riding his bike when the weather allows it. His studio only has one small window that faces East. It's too high up to see anything outside and leaks in just a little light onto his main work area. Spread on a table are thick spindles of the most colorful array of thread. Like tubes of paint for other artists, his brightly colored thread has become the central material in his art. The work he makes has a sometimes shrouded, but deeply introspective and spiritual message. Jeff’s enlightenment is reflected in his work giving a nod to the Kosmos. The technique he uses to create the many thin colors of thread looks extremely delicate and time-intensive. He forms layers that blend color in a way that traditional painters might achieve with a skilled hand. No doubt, seeing this work closeup evokes a desire to strum your fingers through the tightly stretched thread. So much of Jeff’s work is constructed with several layers of paint thinly sprayed on a wood panel. Then the magic of his thread work is wrapped on top, giving these pieces a depth that traditional paint could not achieve. Another role Jeff has taken on might be unintentionally becoming a sort of “house manager” to the Blue Silo community. You might find him on a break reading or having his lunch outside sitting in the sun. Few of the other artists here use as much of the entire building as Jeff does. He knows where everything is and often helps keep the common areas maintained.


Jeff_Richards art_7th ((Crown) Chakra.jpg

Wu Li ///

Medium: /// Wood, Silk Thread, Paint, 48x48 inches

Collection: /// The Artist