
Keith Howard ///

Born ///
Sharon, CT

Blue Silo Artist ///
Since 2010

Education ///
•BA, Art History, Pomona College, Claremont, CA
•MArch, Masters in Architecture, CU, Denver, CO

Medium ///
Mixed Media, Drawing, Pastel

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Entering the space where Keith works which is a shared studio, you’re reminded how open and unique the layout is. Keith has a lot of experience in other areas of the arts, singing in choir most of his life growing up and then going to school for architecture. He tells the story of doing his best not to get into fine art but it pulled him. His most notable experience was working for the New York art couple duo, Jean Claude and Christo. That impacted him greatly to become an artist. He proudly staches away a construction hat that is an official item from the days working by the famous art duo’s side. He shares a rare skill with Christo, his expertise in drafting, with both having a background in architecture. Christo made his living off his ability to draft well. These days it’s all done on the computer of course, but that doesn’t stop Keith. He makes his lyrical marks on paper still and he belts out tunes from his choir days. He has many forms of expression and Blue Silo is a perfect place to practice those many forms. Four large pictures of his drawing are framed inside of a handmade wall with windows for those drawings, built of cardboard, they drape one part of the shared studio, cutting it in half, making one side his sitting area sn the other a place for other creative activity. Taking from his draft skills, Keith is a great builder and anytime something needs to be built up to make the space more convenient or provide more storage he makes it happen.


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Blast Site ///

Medium /// Pastel on paper, 24 x 18 inches

Collection /// Private collection